Making the right decision.
On a firm foundation.
All stakeholders face technical, regulatory, social, and economic challenges in the process of transforming our energy system. It is necessary to switch from our current power supply system, which is centralized around adjustable conventional energy sources, to a future system that can also meet the requirements driven largely by the fluctuating energy sources wind and sun.
During the transformation process, one has to prevent or reduce micro- and macroeconomic costs generated by unnecessary friction as well as to secure local acceptance for specific individual projects and preserve a plurality of stakeholders.
We provide continuous support with our broad range of » Services.
Why is our approach so successful?
We can contribute extensive (20+ years) industry expertise, experience based on numerous successful plans and projects (with a total output of more than 8 GW), active participation in expert panels, boards and organizations, and wide-ranging networks.
A short company profile as download you can find » here.
Owner-managed company.
Founded in 2006 by its current owner, Dr. Ingo Ewald.

Dr. Ingo Ewald
Long-standing experience working with and on lobbies, boards, and committees.
- Member of the German Wind Energy Association (Bundesverband WindEnergie e.V., BWE) and of the FGW (Fördergesellschaft Windenergie und andere Erneuerbare Energien e.V. / Federation of German Windpower and other Renewable Energies).
- Participation in FGW specialist committees: 2005 to present.
- Chairman of the Rhineland-Palatinate/Saarland branch of German Wind Energy Association: 2007 to 2009; member of board of regional branch ‘Rhineland-Palatinate South’ since 2019
- Member of the Energy Advisory Board of the Rhineland-Palatinate (German) Ministry of the Economy, Climate Protection, Energy, and Federal State Planning (Ministeriums für Wirtschaft, Klimaschutz, Energie und Landesplanung Rheinland-Pfalz): 2009 to 2012.
Expertise in planning law
and the energy sector.
We combine a wealth of experience in planning law as well as environmental impact assessment and energy sector-related issues such as the market value of renewable power, direct marketing, and profit optimization, e.g. by power purchase agreements (ppa) — areas that are increasingly important due to regulatory changes that had become more significant with the introduction of tendering procedures all over Europe in recent years, but especially in Germany in 2017.